Unintended: a short film
Past project: Unintended
A short film
written by Dale Griffiths Stamos, directed by Deborah LaVine, starring Jane Hajduk and Jeff Perry

VEW PRODUCTIONS' first foray into film is the short film Unintended, adapted by Dale Griffiths Stamos from her Heideman award-winning play, The Unintended Video. Unintended is directed by Deborah LaVine; and stars Jane Hajduk and Jeff Perry (from the TV series, Scandal, and )
One White Crow: a play in two acts
After a successful run and stellar reviews of One White Crow at Edgemar Center for the Arts in Santa Monica, California, the VEW team of playwright Dale Griffiths Stamos, director Deborah LaVine, and lead actress Jane Hajduk are seeking further productions of this provocative and award-winning new play. Take a look below at what critics had to say!
"Playwright Dale Griffiths Stamos is unafraid to delve into the human psyche to search for answers that will perhaps never be found; it makes for a brave new work whose deeply human characters with divergent opinions on faith vs. skepticism make us prick up our ears and really listen. The acting is first rate. …Jane Hajduk is a marvel at conveying complexity. Judith Knight is a dream role for Danner. …Estes is such a terrific actor/reactor that he makes Rimbaud totally his own. Deborah LaVine is a goddess director who keeps the pacing just right and allows her actors tremendous freedom throughout. The main thing I like about this entire presentation is its intimacy. With these actors onstage, every moment is intensely real, brutally honest...a joy to watch." –Broadway World
"GO: Playwright Dale Griffiths Stamos's drama boasts a charged debate about faith versus science that's engagingly even-handed and surprisingly evocative. Director Deborah LaVine's nicely character-driven staging crafts figures who represent two extreme poles of dogmatic belief." –LA Weekly
"One White Crow asks questions of spirituality, skepticism and anything in between, and comes to interesting conclusions while still being a wonderfully performed and moving play. Adeptly and honestly providing thoughts on all sides of skepticism and spirituality without being preachy or corny, is a testament to the brilliant writing of Dale Griffiths Stamos. …An interesting fact about One White Crow is that there are no heroes and no villains. It effectively and eloquently portrays all the different perspectives on each character fairly and clearly. Her message brings clarity, yet she leaves people deciding for themselves what is true--and she even helps them see what defines their belief in the first place. I highly recommend everyone experience it, as it quickly became one of my favorites thus far this year." –Life in L.A.
"… Dale Griffiths Stamos’s play weaves an intricate story of fact and fiction, truth and lies that play upon the emotions of those who believe and those who do not. …When Alex Rimbaud (Rob Estes) says to journalist, Tess O'Neill (Jane Hajduk): 'So your Dad was right,' [and she answers:] 'Of course he was but I didn’t have to like it,' ..I immediately fell in love with Jane Hajduk and that contemptuous smile at that moment. It was just the right touch in a very fine performance. One could go down a checklist of her character's traits that rang true, journalist (check), daughter (check), non-believer (check) and an implacable seeker of the truth. When questioned, she finds the truth, and the truth has a dramatic effect on her entire being." -Joe Straw #9
"One White Crow playing at Edgemar Center For The Performing Arts has only three characters...but they are fully developed and fascinating ones. …Written by Dale Griffiths Stamos and beautifully directed by Deborah LaVine [it] is a very powerful play about faith, science and belief. And thanks to the excellent work of all three actors, this is a must-see play for anyone who simply enjoys good theatre." –examiner.com
"Dale Griffiths Stamos explores grief and guilt in an interesting tale that allows the characters to dig deep into the intellectual side of their acting brain. Rob Estes and Jane Hajduk are great together. They really brighten the stage with their acting skill and strong stage presence. Estes commands your attention with his perfect pitched stage voice while Hajduk pulls out the confusion and frustration she feels as the conflicted reporter, with great ease.” -Los Angeles Post
"The tussle between Tess’s (Jane Hajduk) deepest beliefs, instilled by her father, and a long-simmering, long-repressed mutual passion between Tess and Alex (Rob Estes) set off the tensions in the play. Skeletons in Alex’s and Tess’s closets will be revealed as their relationship, alongside Tess’s and Judith’s, deepens. The writing is solid, the acting is natural and believable, and the arc of the drama plays out."
–Santa Monica Daily Press
Full reviews can be found at: http://www.dalegriffithsstamos.com/playwright.php?page=whitecrow_reviews